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Admissions DeadlinesEvents & ProgramsThe Panther Prowl

The Panther Prowl | May 10th, 2019

By May 11, 2019No Comments

Happening this Week of May 12, 2019

  • Sunday- May 12: Happy Mother’s Day
  • Monday- May 13: Emma Trombly- Principal for the Day
  • Tuesday- May 14: Welcome to Middle School breakfast- for 5th grade students, hosted by 8th grade students
  • Wednesday- May 15: School Mass 9 a.m. – Christian Character Awards given to grades 3-8.
  • Thursday- May 16:
  • Friday- May 17: Fiesta Latina!!!-1 p.m. in gym- Come Zumba and Fiesta! School dress out day in PE uniforms or appropriate athletic wear for Zumba. Refer to page 10 in School Handbook for guidelines.

Wednesday Dismissals

School will dismiss at 2pm on Wednesdays for the 2019-2020 school year. Aftercare will be available at no charge each Wednesday until 3:10 pm, allowing parents to keep their daily pick up schedule. Each Wednesday, early dismissal will allow St. Elizabeth Seton faculty to work in a team approach by engaging in Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s). This ongoing process is for staff development and continued school improvement. It is collaborative where faculty work together in teams to share diverse ideas and practices to achieve shared vision for learning for all students.

Panther Priorities

2019-2020 Tuition Assistance/Scholarship Awards
The steps necessary for students to be considered for assistance from their home parish and any scholarships:
1. Student must be registered for the school year.
2. FACTS Grant and Aid application must be completed and in “verified” status.
If you are wishing tuition support from your home parish, please meet with your priest or parish representative to discuss tuition assistance. When scholarships become available, school administration reviews the scholarship criteria and uses the FACTS Grant and Aid application results to identify families that meet the criteria. Scholarship applications will only be given to those identified families.

Outstanding Fees
Please check your FACTS Prepay accounts for aftercare and athletic fees. Many students currently have outstanding fees.

Registration Fees
Registration fees for 2019-2020 school year must be paid in full before June 30, 2019. You may pay by check at the school office or through your FACTS Prepay- “Registration Fee 2019-2020” account.

Celebrating Students

Students of the Week
Congratulations to our students of the week! Keep up your great work!

  • PreK-3: Millie Muenz
  • PreK-4: Gabrielle Mathieu
  • KG: Roger Eastman
  • 1st: Alexa Ciaccio
  • 2nd: Delaney Long

SES Loves Our Volunteers!!

Please come to the Volunteer Brunch! Wednesday, 5/22/19 – RSVP Needed 🙂

The annual Volunteer Appreciation Brunch will be on Wednesday, May 22nd. We invite you to come and attend Mass with us at 9:00 a.m. The brunch will take place directly after Mass in the Parish Center. Please R.S.V.P. to Nichole Eastman ( no later than Thursday, May 16th if you plan to attend.

2019-2020 School Calendar & Wednesday Schedule

Please see the attached documents for important information about next year’s schedule.


Used Uniform Closet News

The week of May 13-17 we will be accepting uniforms in the morning or at dismissal in the Parish Center. We will keep a record of how many uniform pieces you turn in and you will have a credit for used uniform purchases for next school year. We are accepting: red PE shirts, black PE shorts, red polo dresses, plaid or khaki skirts, blue or khaki pants and shorts, red, green and black polo shirts, white church shirts & ties. We will not be selling or exchanging any uniforms this week. The uniform store will not be open on Thursday, May 23.

We will be selling used uniforms on Wednesday, May 29 after school (3:00-4:00 p.m.) and Thursday, May 30 after school (12:00-1:00 p.m.). We will announce other sale dates in July & August when you can still exchange uniforms or use your credit. All credits must be used by Friday, August 30th.

If you have any questions please contact: Michele McFee ( or Dagne Fuentes (

Open House

SES is having an open house on Thursday, May 23rd from 10am to 2pm. Please spread the word!


Many sincere thanks to all who made our A NIGHT IN NAPA a great success! All our auction items were sold! Congratulations to the lucky bidders! The only items remaining are from our Wishing Well, which included a list of items for our teachers. If you wish to purchase any of these items for teachers, please contact Mrs. Niebuhr.

Amazon Smile:
Place your Amazon orders through, and help our school raise funds! Be sure to designate our school as beneficiary. Here is the direct link: Our school recently received a check of nearly $200 from proceeds of Amazon Smile! Please continue to add SES as beneficiary of your purchases.

Upcoming Events! Save the Date!

Latin Fiesta!

Friday, May 17th 1:00-2:30pm

The Latin Fiesta is on Friday, May 17th from 1:00-2:30pm in the Gym. Students from PreK-3 through 8th grade will dance to Zumba followed by a Fiesta. Sra. Cole is looking for parent volunteers to help set up, clean up and assist during the Fiesta. If interested in bringing food for our fiesta please contact Sra. Cole

The healthy food guidelines are:

  • NO regular soft drinks & sugar sweetened beverages, butter or fried foods, peanuts, candy or unhealthy snacks
  • YES Fruits for desserts or Authentic Spanish Foods and Desserts (please label food dishes)

8th Grade Graduation!

Friday, May 24th 6:00pm

Final Spring Concert

Thursday, May 30 at 9:30 a.m. ~ Kindergarten celebration, The Very Hungry Caterpillar

SES Vacation Bible School

SES Vacation Bible School will be from June 24th through June 28th. Students in grades 7 and 8 are welcome to volunteer at this wonderful event. Organizing and decorating will take place on June 21st and 22nd. This year’s theme is “ROAR!” ~ Life is Wild, God is Good! See for a description. Contact Hector Salazar, Director of Faith Formation: 239-455-3900, Ext. 302.