Language Arts
Journeys Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Structure and Method: Daily lessons are practiced in the student’s work throughout the curriculum. We work on these skills using groups, individual work, reading groups, and technology.
Phonics: First grade students practice Consonants, Short Vowels, Long Vowels, Consonant Blends, Y as a Vowel, Endings, Diagraphs, and Contractions throughout the year.
Language: First grade students practice Poetry, Colors, Shapes, Left and Right, First, Next, and Last, Following Directions, ABC Order, Writing Sentences, Parts of a Sentence, Telling Sentences, Asking Sentences, Writing Workshop: Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Proofreading, Publishing, Nouns for People, Places, Animals and Things, Plural Nouns, Action Verbs, The Verbs Am, Is, and Are, Past Tense Verbs, The Verbs Was and Were, Adjectives for Color, Size, Shape, Taste, Smell, Sound, and Feel, Describing Words for Numbers, Describing Words that Compare Special Names, Names of Days, Months, and Holidays, Using I and Me, Using He, She, It, and They, Punctuation, Capitalization, Homophones, Antonyms, and Synonyms.
Journeys Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Structure and Method: Daily lessons by using small groups, individual help if needed, technology, and reading workbooks that go with their daily readings.
First grade students will work in small groups daily and learn about Animal Fantasy, Rhyme Realistic, Fiction, Patterned Text, Poetry, Expository, Nonfiction, Folk Tale, Narrative, Fiction, Tall Tales, Main Idea, Drawing Conclusions, Context Clues, Cause and Effect, Predicting, Setting, Author’s Purpose, Classifying, Character, Realism/Fantasy, Theme, Plot, Beginning/Middle/Ending, Sequence of Events, and comprehension.