Week of Jan. 2, 2023
We hope all our students, families and staff have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas holiday and we wish all a happy, healthy and blessed new year! We look forward to the start of an awesome semester and seeing all our students back at school on Wed., Jan. 4.
Upcoming Events:
- Jan. 2-3 Professional Development Days for teachers
- Jan. 4 Students return; Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Mass w/Bishop Dewane
- Jan. 6 Noon dismissal; Parent/Teacher conferences
- Jan. 11 Christian Character Awards
- Jan. 16 No School – MLK
- Jan. 17 HASA General Meeting 6:00-7:00 Gym
- Jan. 29 School Open House for new prospective families 10:00am-1:30pm
- Jan. 30-Feb. 3 Catholic Schools Week Scholastic Book Fair
- Jan. 31 Color Run Fun Day (more details tba)
- Feb. 2 Career Day for Middle School students
- Feb. 3 Grandparents/Special Friends Day; Noon Dismissal
Calendar change: Thursday, March 9, 2023, there will be NO School due to scheduling of a teacher professional development day.
Parent and Student Volunteers Needed!
We need speakers to represent Seton at area parish masses for the final weekend of Catholic Schools Week on Feb. 4-5. If you are a parishioner at St. Agnes, St. Peter. St. John the Evangelist, St. William, San Marco, St. Finbarr, or SES Church, we need your help to promote Catholic education. A 3 minute speech/announcement will be provided. If interested or for more information, please contact Mrs. Groch at groch@seseton.org.
Save the Date
- April 1 – SES Gala & Auction Event at The Player’s Club & Spa
- April 21 & 22 – Seton Musical Production Godspell Jr. at 7pm at SJN
We need your HELP!
We are making plans for our annual Gala Auction on April 1, 2023. The following items are needed to help make the event a success. You will earn Volunteer Hours for Donations and for helping with the Gala!
- Business Donations – Do you know of businesses that would like to donate gift certificates, golf, vacation packages, services, or items for our Auction? Many businesses are willing to support St. Elizabeth Seton School, all you have to do is ask! Donations may be tax deductible. Please email Mrs. Groch for more information on business donations or sponsorships at groch@seseton.org.
- Wine and champagne – Any variety $15 or more in value
- Gift Cards – Restaurants, sports, retail stores, services, vacation packages – $20 or more in value
- Class Baskets – If you have not already heard from room parents regarding class baskets, you will soon be getting information. Each class contributes a basket for the silent auction, and these are always very popular items.
Collier Community Assessment Survey
We have been asked by the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation to participate in a survey about the Collier community. The goal is to gather information about the strengths of our county and help identify areas of greatest need. This is a 10 minute anonymous survey giving all who live here an opportunity to provide input on what matters most in the community. Here is the link to the survey. Thank you!
Support our school when shopping with Amazon!
AmazonSmile is a way to support our school every time you shop with Amazon. Shopping at smile.amazon.com is the same (same products, same prices, no cost to you) with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of eligible purchases to Seton. Signing up is easy – please share with your family and friends!
Here’s how to shop AmazonSmile:
- Visit smile.amazon.com
- Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials
- Under charitable locations choose (St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School)
- Select your charity
- Start shopping!
- Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to shop here every time!
We are Grateful for you!
Don’t forget to Follow and Like us on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SESCatholicSchool