Week of Oct. 17, 2022
Used Uniform Closet Open! – SES Gymnasium
- Monday, 11/7/22 at 3:15-4:15pm
- Monday, 12/5/22 at 3:15-4:15pm
Cash or Check only – Uniform Exchange or Purchase available
Upcoming Events
Please make note of these dates as many events were rescheduled!
- Oct. 10-31 Diaper Drive for Community Pregnancy Clinics
- Oct. 25 NJHS/Student Govt. Installation
- Oct. 25 HASA Gen Meeting 8:00am in Parish Center
- Oct. 26 Student Fall picture day
- Oct. 28 Bubbakoo’s Burrito Day for Lunch!
- Oct. 28 Trunk or Treat hosted by SES Parish 6-8pm church parking lot
- Nov. 5 Mother/Son Bowling at HeadPinz 12-2pm
- Nov. 11 Veteran’s Day Mass, Tribute and Reception 9am
Diaper Drive – October 10th – October 31st
SES supports Respect Life month by partnering with Community Pregnancy Clinics (CPCI) in a Diaper Drive (collecting diapers, wipes, baby shampoo/wash, baby clothing: newborn – size 5T). See flyer for details on how you can help.
Volunteers Parents and Students Needed!
Helpers needed to help lay mulch around the campus Saturday, Nov. 5 starting at 8am. Volunteer hours given for students and parents!
A Salute to Veterans!
Fri., Nov. 11, 2022 @ 9:00am
We will have a Veteran’s Day mass beginning at 9:00am followed by a Tribute to our Veterans given by the students. All takes place at SES church. Coffee/danish reception follows in the Parish Center. If you or someone you know is a veteran and able to attend, please RSVP by emailing the info. below to Mrs. Groch at groch@seseton.org or call 239-455-2262 ext. 321 by Nov. 1
Name of Veteran attending: _____________________________________________________
Branch of Service: _________________________ Rank: ______________________________
Dates served (from-to): ________________________________________________________
Phone #: _______________________ Email: _______________________________________
In addition, the school will pray for any veterans unable to attend (living or deceased). Please forward name of any veteran (not able to attend) with branch and dates of service (if known) you would like us to pray for. Thank You for Helping Us Honor Our Beloved Veterans!
Attention Parents and Students!
Please see the October Counseling Newsletter from Ms. D’Abrosca. Please review to see our theme for the month and activities being conducted at Seton!”
Musical News! Mark your calendars now for our Spring Musical “Godspell Jr.”
“Based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Godspell Junior is a groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, tolerance and love.”
- Friday, April 21 & Saturday, April 22, 2023 @ 7pm
- St. John Neumann Catholic High School – The Justin Holecek Student Life Center
- Doors open @ 6:30 pm Tickets $5.00
The play will be directed by Fabiola Cole, music directed by Paul Desmarais, stage manager by Charity Winter, choreography Fabiola Cole and Charity Winter and Production Committee Manager by Lindsay D’Abrosca.
We welcome all parents, faculty & staff, and students grades 6th through 8th to help volunteer in one of the Production Committees. For more information, contact Ms. Lindsay D’Abrosca dabrosca@seseton.org. Parent/Guardian must be a Diocesan Approved volunteer to participate. Love/Service hours will be honored for your time. Thank you for your interest and cooperation.
If you have any questions about the Musical, please contact Mrs. Cole cole@seseton.org.
News from SES Parish
SAVE THE DATE: Trunk or Treat at St. Elizabeth Seton Parish is Friday, October 28, 6-8pm in the church parking lot. Volunteer hours are given to families that are trunkers. To sign-up for trunking, just send an email to Beverly at baviles@stelizabethseton.org. Thank you!
Support our school when shopping with Amazon!
AmazonSmile is a way to support our school every time you shop with Amazon. Shopping at smile.amazon.com is the same (same products, same prices, no cost to you) with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of eligible purchases to Seton. Signing up is easy – please share with your family and friends!
Here’s how to shop AmazonSmile:
- Visit smile.amazon.com
- Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials
- Under charitable locations choose (St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School)
- Select your charity
- Start shopping!
- Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to shop here every time!
We are Grateful for you!
Don’t forget to Follow and Like us on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SESCatholicSchool