Week of December 6, 2021
Mark your calendar:
- Dec. 6-16 Ongoing Advent food drive (see below)
- Dec. 3 – Health screenings at school Grades K, 1, 3, 6
- Dec 6-10 – Penguin Patch Christmas Shop for Students
- Dec. 7 – SJN Entrance exam for 8th graders;Family night at Culver’s
- Dec. 8 – Picture retakes/club pictures
- Dec. 10 – Christmas Program 6pm
- Dec. 13 – Reconciliation – middle school
- Dec. 14 – Reconciliation – grades 3-5
- Dec. 17 – Noon dismissal; no aftercare
- Dec. 20 – Jan 3 – Christmas break
- Jan. 4 – Classes resume
- Jan. 14 – Noon dismissal-Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Jan. 17 – No school MLK
- Jan. 30 – School Open House for new families; Catholic Schools Week begins
- Jan. 31-Feb. 4 – School Book Fair
- March 26 – SAVE THE DATE – Seton 40th Anniversary Celebration Gala Auction!
H.A.S.A. News
The Penguin Patch Holiday Shop will open Monday, December 6th through Friday, December 10th in the Seton library. Volunteers have transformed our library into a winter wonderland store! Your child came home with information, attached envelope, and his/her shopping date. Parents may send in cash or checks made payable to St. Elizabeth Seton School as payment for merchandise. All gifts will be wrapped at school before coming home!
Culvers Night will be on Tuesday, 12/7/21 from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the 5775 Airport Pulling Road North (Naples) location. Come out, meet up with your friends, bring your family and eat! A percentage of the sales between 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. will be given to Seton. This is a delicious fundraiser! We hope to see everyone there!
School Counselor Newsletter
Attention Parents! Please see the December Newsletter download from our School Counselor, Ms. Lindsay D’Abrosca, M.Ed. Please review to see theme for the month and classroom activities.
12 Days of Christmas Giving
Sponsored by St. Elizabeth Seton NJHS and Student Government
St. Elizabeth Seton School will be collecting food donations to support the
Weekend Power Pack Food Program of Catholic Charities in Collier County
This program provides homeless elementary students living in Collier County with food to sustain them through the weekend when school meals are not available. The students receive containers of nutritious food on Fridays so they will have sustenance throughout the weekend.
We will be collecting a different item each day. All items should be individually sized – just like you would pack in a lunch box! Donations should be brought to the courtyard each morning. NJHS & SGA members will organize and store all donations. Students are encouraged to donate on as many days as they would like!
Grateful, Thankful, Blessed are we!
Since March 27, 2021, we have received $550K in donations, added to our starting funds, brings us to over $750K for the Campus Expansion Program! We are continuing our campaign to have the program completely funded. Please refer anyone you know who may be interested in helping to: https://saintelizabethseton.com/giving/
Annual Gala Auction
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are making plans for our annual Gala Auction on March 26, 2022. The following items are needed to help make the event a success. You will earn Volunteer Hours for Donations and for helping with the Gala!
- Wine and spirits for our wine pull – Any variety of wine, tequila, rum, gin, vodka and whiskey – $15 or more in value
- Gift Cards – Restaurants, sports, retail stores, services, vacation packages – $20 or more in value
- Do you know of businesses that would like to donate gift certificates, golf, vacation packages, services or items for our Auction? Many businesses are willing to support St. Elizabeth Seton School, all you have to do is ask! Donations may be tax deductible. Please email Mrs. Groch for more information on business donations or sponsorships at groch@seseton.org.
If you have not already heard from room parents regarding class baskets, you will soon be getting information. Each class contributes a basket for the silent auction, and these are always very popular items.