Week of January 25, 2021
Catholic Schools Week – Jan. 31-Feb. 5 Faith, Excellence, Service
We will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week with many special events for the students, giving back to our community, and showcasing our faith. Despite covid, students will have many opportunities to have fun and celebrate with different themes for the day and meaningful activities.
A schedule of events and student dress code for the week will be coming home soon. In advance, we wanted to let you know our service project will be assisting Catholic Charities with their Power Pack Daily Food Collection and we will be hosting a Virtual Catholic Book Fair (see below)
The Good News Virtual Book Fair coming to Seton!
To expand our libraries, promote reading, and celebrate our Catholic values during CSW, we will be hosting a Virtual Catholic Book Fair from Jan. 31 through Feb. 12. This Book Fair offers wholesome options to inspire your child, without worrying about inappropriate content. Anyone can participate, not just those in the Seton community. In addition to purchasing good books for your child, teachers will be creating Wish Lists for their classroom reading sets.
All families should have received a Re-enrollment letter with information for the 2021-2022 school year. This year, all re-enrollment is completed online via the FACTS Family Portal. We offer priority and a discounted re-enrollment fee to our current families through February 10. Thank you for believing in the power of Catholic education and helping us plan for another successful school year by completing your Re-enrollment today…#SetonStrong!
Mark your Calendars:
- Jan. 31 – School Open House for new prospective families 10am-1:30pm – Please spread the good word!
- Feb. 1-5 – Catholic Schools Week
- Feb. 1 – Used Uniform Closet open from 3:30-4:30pm in the school cafeteria
- Feb. 8 – No School
- Feb. 10 – Christian Character awards at mass
Coaches needed for Track & Field AND Boys and Girls Soccer!
The seasons start in late February and we need coaches in order to have our teams. Volunteers require fingerprint clearance and safe environment training. If you can help, please contact Coach T at tenbarge@seseton.org. Thank you!
Please help us spread the word about our great school—invite family and friends who are looking for quality education for their children to join us:
Seton School Open House (for New Families)
Sunday, January 31, 2020 from 10am – 1:30pm
Counselor’s Corner
Please click here for this week’s Counselor’s Corner— Calm Parenting in Stressful Times from Dr. Fabii – or read at the bottom of this page.
Building a Culture of Catholic Stewardship
Our school community needs donors and sponsors to support our mission. Please refer anyone who believes in the importance of affordable, quality Catholic education now and for future generations, to: https://saintelizabethseton.com/giving/
While shopping, don’t forget Amazon Smile – Seton H.A.S.A. Fundraiser
AmazonSmile is a way to support our school every time you shop with Amazon. Shopping at smile.amazon.com is the same (same products, same prices, no cost to you) with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of eligible purchases to Seton. Signing up is easy – please share with your family and friends!
Here’s how to shop AmazonSmile:
1. Visit smile.amazon.com
2. Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials
3. Under charitable locations choose (St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School)
4. Select your charity
5. Start shopping!
6. Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to shop here every time!
Summer Camp offered by Diocese of St. Petersburg
Summer adventures await at Our Lady of Good Counsel Camp in Floral City, Florida. This is a co-ed overnight camp which is owned and operated by the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg. All children 7 to 15 years of age are invited to attend the camp’s 74th summer! 1 and 2 week sessions are currently offered at affordable prices. All information is available on the camp website at www.goodcounselcamp.org or by emailing the camp director at info@goodcounselcamp.org.
Counselor’s Corner: Calm Parenting in Stressful Times
The times we live in are super stressful, which means that frustration and anger may be inevitable. Overwhelmed with so many things, parents may find it easier than usual to lose their tempers with kids who are not on their best behavior either. When circumstances are not normal, parenting is extra hard. As this moment in time, it is more important than ever to get through daily demands, and manage as best we can in less than ideal circumstances. It is perfectly OK to lower expectations, and not be overly concerned if we can’t do as much as we usually would, as parents, employees or partners. Experts recommend focusing on our own and our children’s emotional states, and to concentrate on maintaining positive family dynamics.
Dr. Rebecca Schrag Hershberg, a clinical psychologist and parenting coach, notes that “Kids can’t learn if they’re not feeling safe and loved. If there’s a strain in the connections at home and if it feels very tense and miserable, your child’s brain isn’t going to take in what they’re learning because they’re stressed and angry. Your relationship is the precursor for everything else falling into place.”
Staying calm is not always easy. Since things are more stressful right now, clinical psychologist Dr. Stephanie Lee suggests that parents need to be extra conscious of their own “ Big 3: diet/nutrition, activity level and sleep. These impact our mood, as well as our ability to problem solve, stay calm, concentrate and focus. If any of those things are really off, which is likely right now, it can have a major impact on your ability to be your best self.”
No matter how we spin it, this is a difficult time. Dr. Lee advocates for reminding yourself that you are a good parent who is doing the best you can in a very difficult situation. She also proposes that we celebrate the small victories of each day, and surely there are plenty of those.