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Week of November 2, 2020

Mark your Calendars

Nov. 2 – All Souls Day Used Uniform Closet open. It will be open the first Monday of each month from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria. Upcoming dates are: 11/2 and 12/7.

Nov. 5 – Vision screening forms due for PK3 and PK4

Nov. 6 – Noon dismissal; Parent-Teacher Conference day

Nov. 11 – Christian Character award for October virtue of Knowledge; Veteran’s Day Mass and Tribute

Nov. 25-30 – Thanksgiving Break – No School

Dec. 1 – Classes resume; #Giving Tuesday

A Salute to Veterans!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 9:30am

We will be having a Veteran’s Day mass on Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 9:30am followed by a Tribute to our Veterans presented by the students. All takes place at SES church. If you or someone you know is a veteran and are able to attend, please RSVP by emailing the information below to Mrs. Groch at or call 239-455-2262 ext. 321 by Nov 2.

Name of Veteran attending: ________________________________
Branch of Service: ________________________________________
Rank: __________________________________________________
Dates served (from-to): ____________________________________
Phone #: _______________________________ Email: ______________________________

In addition, the school will pray for any veterans unable to attend (living or deceased). Please forward name of any veteran with branch and dates of service (if known) you would like us to pray for.

Thank You for Helping Us Honor Our Beloved Veterans!

Shopping for Christmas? Don’t forget Amazon Smile – Seton H.A.S.A. Fundraiser

AmazonSmile is a way to support our school every time you shop with Amazon. Shopping at is the same (same products, same prices, no cost to you) with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of eligible purchases to Seton. Signing up is easy – please share with your family and friends!

Here’s how to shop AmazonSmile:

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in with your credentials
  3. Under charitable locations choose (St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School)
  4. Select your charity
  5. Start shopping!
  6. Add a bookmark for to shop here every time!

You can now also shop on your phone:

  • Download latest version of the Amazon Shopping app (App Store or Google Play for Android).
  • Turn on AmazonSmile
  • Open the app and find ’Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Tap ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

Thank you for supporting our great school…#SetonStrong!

Building a Culture of Catholic Stewardship

Our school community needs donors and sponsors to support our mission. Please help spread the word to friends, family and others who believe in the importance of affordable, quality Catholic education now and for future generations. On #GivingTuesday, December 1, 2020, we will ask all in our community to give charitably to ensure the gift of Catholic education at St. Elizabeth Seton endures. Visit

Zoom with SDL Learners

Teachers are available every Wednesday from 2:30-3:15pm to Zoom with Virtual Learners.

Counselor’s Corner

Please click here for this week’s Counselor’s CornerUpdate on Catholic Charities’ Mental Health Services from Dr. Fabii. Or read at the bottom of this page.

News from our Catholic High School – St. John Neumann

Counselor’s Corner November 2, 2020

Update on Catholic Charities’ Mental Health Services

Catholic Charities is no longer offering free in-person mental health services. That program was available through a grant provided by the Red Cross following the 2017 hurricane, and it is no longer operating. However, Catholic Charities is currently offering Telehealth services that are free of charge for children and adults. These services are accessible by phone, iPad or computer. For additional information, contact Nancy Gonzper, Counseling Coordinator, at 239-455-2655.

Telehealth services are becoming more popular and are a great way to obtain an initial consultation without having to leave home. Minor and common ailments can be addressed, and prescriptions for medicine can be provided. Some private insurances also offer access to a variety of practitioners through telehealth services.

Recent studies have indicated a sharp rise in mental health challenges associated with coronavirus, as well as with the impact of physical distancing and other mitigation activities.
Symptoms of anxiety and depressive disorders increased considerably in the United States during April–June of 2020, compared with the same period in 2019, with the highest numbers for people between the ages of 18 and 39. *

The continuing uncertainty surrounding the pandemic accelerates fears, which then can develop into anxiety or depression symptoms. As numbers of cases increase again, the need for mental health services also will rise. Therefore, it is very important to be aware of changes in mood, behavior and performance, and to reach out for professional help when these significantly interfere in daily functioning.

*Source: Hartford Health Care Behavioral Health Network