Week of September 7, 2020
Wishing all our students and families a safe and happy Labor Day! See you back at school on Tuesday, Sept. 8…#SetonStrong!
Fri., Sept. 11 – *First School Mass – 9/11 Tribute; Noon dismissal
Our first school mass in person at SES church will be Friday, September 11 at 10am for grades 5-8 only. We will have a short tribute after mass remembering the events of 9/11/2001 and the sacrifices of police, firefighters and first responders. It will be a noon dismissal day with parent Zoom conferences in the afternoon.
Christian Character Awards
Our first Christian Character virtue for September is Love. Recognition of student character awards in grades 3-8 begins in October.
Countdown to Night in Havana Virtual Auction Event!
Just two weeks away, the bidding begins…Sept. 21 through Sept. 26 @ 6pm!
Register at www.qtego.net/qlink/celebrateseton2020 and get a sneak peak of our awesome gift baskets, gift certificates, and other fabulous items available in a week-long of bidding fun. Join us for this exciting event all in support of our great school! Contact Dr. Fabii with any questions at fabii@seseton.org.
Many thanks to our generous Sponsors for helping St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School build a better future for our students:
Platinum Sponsors:
- St. Agnes Church
- St. William’s Church
- St. Leo the Great Church
- Salsa Silver Sponsors: San Marco Church
- Babalu Sponsors: St. John the Evangelist Church, The Richard J. Lacks Foundation, Synovus
- Classico Sponsors: St. John Neumann H.S., J.C Drainfield, Anonymous Donor
- Fedora Sponsors: St. Finbarr Church, Di Julio’s Restaurant, Charming Smiles, Zynda Custom Homes, Juliana Kierstein, P.A., Maureen and Bud Stanner, The Hilmoe Family, John & Cathy Ciacco, SES Knights of Columbus
- Other Sponsors: Down to Earth Landscaping, SES Church
Calling all Golfers!
Seton is hosting a Golf Benefit Tournament on Saturday, October 3 at Tiburon Golf Club at the Ritz Carlton Resort in Naples. $145 per player includes all golf fees, goodie bag, awards, prizes, boxed lunch and more! Field limited to 50 players with safety protocols in place. Proceeds benefit campus improvements. For information, contact Mrs. Groch at groch@seseton.org.
Business or Family Sponsorships available: Click here for our sponsor/player registration form.
Important Reminders:
As we move forward in the new school year, we remind parents to take special note of important safety protocols to ensure a healthy environment for all (refer to p. 14-15 of our 2020-21 Parent-Student Handbook)
Student Health and Medication Policies/Procedures
Students who are ill should be picked up immediately or no more THAN AN HOUR AFTER NOTIFICATION). If any student is ill, injured, or excused for any reason during the school hours, she/he must be signed out in the school office. We strongly urge that parents or guardians not send their children back to school too soon after an illness. Please make sure the child is well enough to stay in school.
Getting well again, not completing work, should be the focus while keeping a sick child home from school.
- Before returning to school, for the well-being of the child and in concern for classmates, the sick child should be fever free, vomit free, and diarrhea free for a 24-hour period.
- When the student returns to school, he/she is required to bring a written note from the parent/guardian, which will be kept on file. Diocesan policy states students who exceed 30 days of absences may not be promoted to the next grade unless arrangements have been made with the school.
It is important for the health of all students and staff that a child does not attend school when sick. The following guidelines are offered as appropriate reasons to keep your child home from school until his or her symptoms are gone or a health care provider has cleared your child to return to school. Please keep your child home if they have any of the following:
- Conjunctivitis/Pinkeye (requires a doctor’s note that the student may return to school and is not contagious)
- Cough that is persistent and productive with thick or constant nasal drainage. (Exception: may attend school for mild cold symptoms)
- Diarrhea (student should not return to school until symptom-free for at least 24 hours after the last episode and tolerating solid food).
- Fever of 100.4 F. or higher (student must be fever-free, without fever reducing-medication such as Tylenol or Advil/Motrin for 24 hours before returning to school).
- Flu or Flu-like illness (fever, body aches, chills, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue). Student must be fever-free, without fever- reducing medication such as Tylenol or Advil/Motrin for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
- Impetigo (student may return to school 24 hours after treatment is started. Lesions should be covered to prevent spread of infection to others).
- Rash of unknown origin and/or the area is too large to be covered by a band aid (requires a doctor’s note to return to school)
- Sore throat with fever (student must be fever-free without fever- reducing medication such as Tylenol or Advil/Motrin for at least 24 hours before returning to school).
- Strep Throat (student may return to school 24 hours after antibiotic treatment has been started and is fever-free.
- Vomiting (student should not return to school until symptom-free for at least 24 hours after the last episode and tolerating solid food).
Prayers and Announcements…
You may view our daily school-wide prayer and announcements on our YouTube channel (Seton Principal).
Counselor’s Corner
Please click here for this week’s Counselor’s Corner from Dr. Fabii.
Refer your family and friends to our wonderful school and receive a gift card!
Please pass along the attached Seton flyer to any new family you know who is interested in a superior education in spirit, mind, and body for their children. As a thank you for your referral, you will receive your choice of a $100 Amazon gift card, or a $100 tuition credit for every family you refer that enrolls through the 2020-2021 school year. Click here for Seton flyer.
Thank you for your support in spreading the good news about the St. Elizabeth Seton School family!
Building a Culture of Catholic Stewardship
Our school community needs donors and sponsors to support our mission. Please help spread the word to friends, family and others who believe in the importance of affordable, quality Catholic education now and for future generations. See the many ways to support Seton by visiting https://saintelizabethseton.com/giving/