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Week of August 10, 2020

Happy to be Back to School!

Teachers and staff have been working hard preparing a safe, healthy and happy learning environment to welcome our students Back to School, both face-to-face and through SDL-Seton Distance Learning. All steps are in place for our community to overcome the challenges with thorough health and safety plans and protocols in place, optimism, attentiveness, faith, respect, gratitude and teamwork. Together, we build a strong foundation for our students’ future. Thank you for your support…#SetonStrong!

Please see attached DOV Quick Reference Guide for Parents for School Reopening.


Be not afraid…perfect love casts out all fears ~ Father Casey


During the week of August 10th, be on the look-out for our virtual Back-to-School recorded/video taped presentations from school administration, staff and teachers which are being sent to all school families.


Aftercare begins Wednesday, August 19th. In preparation for the new protocols used in our program, we will not be offering aftercare on the first two ½ days of school. We ask that only those working families needing aftercare register, as keeping cohorts of students safe continues to be paramount for our community.

A word from our Admissions Coordinator, Mrs. Katy Rendon: We are still waiting on immunization and health records from several of our registered families. Whether choosing Seton Distance Learning or face-to-face instruction, we need these important records by the start of school August 17, 2020. Thank you for tending to these necessary details!

Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, 8/12: Back to School/Supply Drop Off/Meet the Teacher
Families with last names A-L 1:00-3:00pm OR 5:00-6:30pm

Thursday, 8/13: Back to School/Supply Drop Off/Meet the Teacher
Families with last names M-Z- 1:00-3:00pm OR 5:00-6:30pm
** The Used Uniform Closet will be open during the above times on Wed. and Thurs.

Friday, 8/14: SETON DISTANCE LEARNING Supply Drop off/ Pick Up/Meet the Teacher
Families with last names ending in A-L 9am-11am
Families with last names ending in M-Z Noon-2pm

2020-2021 School Calendar

Please see attached updated calendar (subject to change).

  • Monday, August 17 – First Day of School for Students – Noon dismissal.
  • Tuesday, August 18 – Noon dismissal.
  • Wednesday, August 19 is a full day with dismissal at 2pm.

School Mass

School masses will be live streamed weekly. Our first school mass at church will be Friday, September 11 at 10am for grades 5-8 only. We will have a short tribute remembering the events of 9/11/2001 after mass. It will be a noon dismissal day with parent Zoom conferences in the afternoon.

New Assignments!

We are happy to announce Mrs. Lorrie Iszkula will be joining the Seton faculty for the 2020-2021 school year as First Grade teacher. She has 20 years of teaching experience mostly in private school settings. For nine years, she taught Early Childhood through Grade 4 and taught middle school, mostly in Language Arts. She holds a BS in Economics and teaching certification in PK-3, as well as Grades 4-8 Math, Social Studies and Language Arts. She has extensive training in educational leadership from Wheeling Jesuit University in addition to Montessori training. She is excited to be relocating from Georgia to the Southwest Florida area with her husband. As a cradle Catholic, she is greatly looking forward to returning to teaching in a caring Catholic school environment pursuing excellence in education.

We are also happy to announce… Mrs. Dana Hilmoe will transition as our 2nd grade teacher; Mrs. Kathy Clifford, LPN will now be our new school nurse; Ms. Cookie Kelly will transition as instructional aide in Grade 1; Ms. Rena Clark will work in After-care and as instructional aide in Grade K. Congratulations to all!

Night in Havana Gala Auction News!

Celebrating Seton! Due to ongoing restrictions for large gatherings, Our Night in Havana Live Gala Event scheduled at the Vineyards Country Club on Sept. 26 will become a Streamlined Virtual Event instead! You can place your bids remotely from Sept. 21 to 26 to win beautiful gift baskets, gift certificates, and other fabulous items in a week long of bidding fun. Please join us for this exciting event as together we overcome the challenges while supporting our great school. More information will be coming soon!

If you have already purchased tickets for the Gala, you may:

  • Use ticket purchase as a donation to the school (greatly appreciated:)
  • Receive a credit for a future live event
  • Request a refund

Please email your preference to Dr. Fabii at by August 14th.

Hope to “see” you all at our Virtual Auction!

Refer your family and friends to our wonderful school and get a gift card!

Please pass along the attached Seton flyer to any new family you know who is interested in a superior education in spirit, mind, and body for their children. As a thank you for your referral, you will receive your choice of a $100 Amazon gift card, or a $100 tuition credit for every family you refer that enrolls through the 2020-2021 school year.


Thank you for your support in spreading the good news about the St. Elizabeth Seton School family! Also, Please share our Virtual Open House link:

Building a Culture of Catholic Stewardship

Our school community needs donors and sponsors to support our mission. Please help spread the word to friends, family and others who believe in the importance of affordable, quality Catholic education now and for future generations. See the many ways to support Seton by visiting


FACTS Grant and Aid Reminders

A completed FACTS Grant & Aid application is required as part of student re-enrollment and is necessary to be considered for any tuition assistance, including parish assistance. Families seeking parish assistance must also contact the pastor at their home parish directly.

Please be sure your payment plan for the 2020-21 school year is updated in your FACTS tuition account. Contact School Finance Manager, Mrs. Elaine Pearce at with any questions. Thank you for your cooperation and support!