Week of May 18, 2020
Virtue of the Month: Gratitude
Congratulations to our 8th Grade Graduating class of 2020! We pray God’s many blessings upon these students always. They will be greatly missed! Our Countdown to Graduation 2020 tribute to our graduates continues on our Facebook page through Graduation day (May 21). Please take a moment to congratulate our amazing 8th graders!
To all of our returning students and families, keep up all the good work you have been doing through Distance Learning and finish the school year #SetonStrong! We look forward to being together soon.
Seton’s Virtual May Crowning
Be sure to visit our Facebook page to view our virtual May Crowning video. Thank you to families who submitted photos to make it possible for us to honor Mary in this venue. https://www.facebook.com/SESCatholicSchool
Rosary Fridays during May Morning Prayers
Join us as we pray one decade of the Rosary together each Friday as a school family.
To view past and current daily prayers/announcements, click https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3rpULvkj6z12BFz3H61Aiw or search Seton Principal on the You Tube channel.
Public Masses at St. Elizabeth Seton church resume on Monday, 5/18
Mass Schedule (Mon-Sat 8am; Vigil 4:30pm Sat, 6:30 (Espanol); Sun 8am and 10am.
- Only Masses, Confession, and weekly adoration resume, all other activities including: Rosaries, Novenas, Prayer Groups, etc. are still suspended at this time.
- The Church doors will be open 30 Minutes prior to Mass
- We must not exceed 25% Capacity (300 people)
- The faithful are dispensed from the Sunday Obligation of attending Mass until June 28
Counselor’s Corner May 18, 2020
As the weeks of physical distancing and isolation at home have worn on, we also may start to feel a bit worn down by all the challenges the pandemic has presented thus far. The constant news cycle, the ever-changing guidelines, and the continued uncertainty affect our mental, emotional, and physical health. As there likely will be several more months ahead of us to endure the life interruptions caused by the pandemic, there’s every reason to stop, take a breath, and regroup in order to handle our personal, work, school, and household challenges.
We have been forced to rethink how we do things in nearly every aspect of life, but that can foster both creativity and a sense of accomplishment. For those suffering from the extreme stress of unemployment and economic strain, the difficulties are even greater. Therefore, it is very important to do everything possible to take care of ourselves, and to take care of one another. So, let’s take that deep breath now, take a moment to look within and around ourselves, and see how we can help one another continue to manage the pressures of life during these troublesome times.
Top Resources for Help During the Pandemic
- United Way COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund: Call 2-1-1 or 888-369-7688. The local number to the Collier County office location is 239-261-7112. The email address is uw211help@gmail.com.
- Collier County Catholic Charities: 844-385-2404 and website: www.catholiccharitiesdov.org/locations/naples.
- Harry Chapin Food Bank: https://harrychapinfoodbank.org/
- St. Vincent DePaul Society: 239-775-2907 and website: https://www.svdpnaples.org/
Please reach out to Dr. Dianne Fabii, School Counselor, for assistance anytime.
FACTS Grant and Aid Reminder
A completed FACTS Grant & Aid application is required as part of student re-enrollment and is necessary to be considered for any tuition assistance, including parish assistance. Families seeking parish assistance for 2020-2021, must also contact the pastor at their home parish directly. The deadline for a completed/verified application is May 31, 2020.
Applications are processed on a first-come basis in the order all documents are received, and funding is limited. Families can submit 2019 W2s and 2018 income tax returns. This change will not affect those who have already completed their application.
Please contact School Accountant, Mrs. Elaine Pearce at pearce@seseton.org with any questions. Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Important Notice regarding the SUFS Scholarship
If you have already applied for an Income-Based Scholarship for the 2020-2021 school year, please be on the lookout for your Step Up letter that includes Student ID. This will need to be submitted to the school to process your scholarship.
Building a Culture of Catholic Stewardship
Now more than ever, our school community needs donors and sponsors to support our mission. Please help spread the word to friends, family and others who believe in the importance of affordable, quality Catholic education now and for future generations. Support Seton by visiting https://saintelizabethseton.com/giving/
“Virtual Open House”
Please share the attached link and continue to refer your friends/family to our awesome school! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uGChXQ7ft32fnxESMbsc9KAt7J9Saieg
Many thanks to our Open House student video stars!
Night in Havana Gala Auction News!
We are happy to announce Night in Havana Gala Auction has been rescheduled to Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020 at the Vineyards Country Club! We will look forward to celebrating this fabulous event with our school community and friends at that time.
Please contact our Gala chair, Dr. Dianne Fabii, at fabii@seseton.org with any questions.
Livestreamed Masses
The Streaming Schedule is Mon-Sat at 8am, 6:30pm on Sat (Spanish), Sunday 10am
St. Elizabeth Seton Church has livestreamed masses which can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQF5_1OovmijLWXsFzoIqeg. Please check your individual parish websites and Facebook pages as well as the dioceseofvenice.org website for information on other parish mass viewing.