Week of May 11, 2020
Virtue of the Month: Gratitude
Our hearts were touched by the outpouring of support for our Faculty and Staff expressed by so many Seton families at the Teacher Appreciation Parade this past week! It was wonderful to finally see our students and parents in person, if at a distance. We are grateful for you!
Keep up the good work you are all doing though our Distance Learning and know we miss you and look forward to being together soon. Stay healthy and #SetonStrong!
Just for fun!
The week of May 11 will be “dress out” week. Each day will have a new theme and students can send pictures to post on the school Facebook page. Here are the themes:
- Monday 5/11- Silly sock day
- Tuesday 5/12 – Seton Pride day
- Wednesday 5/13 – PJ day
- Thursday 5/14 – Hat Day
- Friday 5/15 – Your favorite outfit day!
Seton’s Virtual May Crowning
Since we cannot be together, we would still like to provide an opportunity for students to honor Mary and give thanks to her for bringing our Savior into the world. We ask families to participate if able, by submitting photos or short videos of students bringing flowers to a statue of Mary, or photos of students praying the rosary, writing prayers, etc. We will put together in a slideshow and post on social media. Please send your entries to Mrs. Groch at groch@seseton.org no later than May 12. Our May Crowning will be a compilation slideshow to be viewed on May 15.
Yearbook Ordering is ready!
Order your memories of the 2019-2020 school year online at: https://vando.imagequix.com/g1000793122 Yearbooks are $20 and may be ordered through May 15.
Rosary Fridays during May Morning Prayers
Join us as we pray one decade of the Rosary together each Friday as a school family. To view past and current daily prayers/announcements, click https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3rpULvkj6z12BFz3H61Aiw or search Seton Principal on the You Tube channel.
FACTS Grant and Aid Reminder
A completed FACTS Grant & Aid application is required as part of student re-enrollment and is necessary to be considered for any tuition assistance, including parish assistance. Families seeking parish assistance for 2020-2021, must also contact the pastor at their home parish directly.
The deadline for a completed/verified application is May 31, 2020.
Applications are processed on a first-come basis in the order all documents are received, and funding is limited. Families can submit 2019 W2s and 2018 income tax returns. This change will not affect those who have already completed their application.
Please contact School Accountant, Mrs. Elaine Pearce at pearce@seseton.org with any questions. Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Important Notice regarding the SUFS Scholarship
If you have already applied for an Income-Based Scholarship for the 2020-2021 school year, please be on the lookout for your Step Up letter that includes Student ID. This will need to be submitted to the school to process your scholarship.
Building a Culture of Catholic Stewardship
Now more than ever, our school community needs donors and sponsors to support our mission. Please help spread the word to friends, family and others who believe in the importance of affordable, quality Catholic education now and for future generations. Support Seton by visiting https://saintelizabethseton.com/giving/
“Virtual Open House”
Please share the attached link and continue to refer your friends/family to our awesome school! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uGChXQ7ft32fnxESMbsc9KAt7J9Saieg
Many thanks to our Open House student video stars!
Help During the Pandemic: Counselor’s Corner – May 11, 2020
Maintaining Motivation to the Finish Line
As we move into the home stretch of the school year, students are feeling antsy and parents are looking forward to some relief. After several weeks of online instruction, many students are finding it hard to stay motivated and parents may be struggling to keep momentum going. As we are well aware now, the extended and often unstructured time that families are spending together during the health crisis has created new challenges.
With a few weeks left of school, consistency and structure are important to maintain a sense of control and normalcy for both parents and children. Continuing to communicate clear expectations and guidelines regarding the family’s daily schedule will help everyone fulfill responsibilities.
Dr. Wendy Grolnick, a psychologist, parenting expert, and professor at Clark University, has worked with parents in disaster situations. She has studied how parents can help children stay motivated and decrease family conflict in these unique times. The following are some strategies that she suggests, which can be utilized as the school year winds down and into the summer too:
- Involve children in creating guidelines and schedules. This will help them understand the importance of these, as well as accept and follow them. This can be done through a family meeting. Differences of opinion can be negotiated so that everyone’s needs are met.
- Allow children some choice. Both schoolwork and chores need to be completed, but having some choice about how they are accomplished can help kids feel less pressured and coerced, which undermines motivation.
- Listen and provide empathy. Children will be more open to hearing about what they need to do if they feel that their own perspectives are understood. When understanding is felt, cooperation and relationships are enhanced.
- Provide reasons for rules. Reasons will be most effective when they are meaningful to the children in terms of the children’s own goals. When rules are explained clearly, children can better understand the importance of acting in particular ways.
- Problem solve together. As we know so well, things don’t always go according to plan. When things aren’t working out, parents can try engaging in joint problem-solving with their children, which means employing empathy, identifying the issue and finding ways to resolve it.
Dr. Grolnick states that all of these practices can help children to feel more ownership of their behavior, which will make them more likely to cooperate. However, these strategies require time and patience – something that is hard to come by during very stressful times. Research studies show that parents are more likely to raise voices, demand cooperation or threaten punishment when time is limited, or they are stressed, or they feel worried about how their children are performing. That’s another reason why it’s important for parents to find time for their own self-care and rejuvenation. A pandemic or other disaster certainly presents challenges for parents, but using these motivational strategies can help parents provide a calmer and more effective environment that also facilitates a positive parent-child relationship.
Top Resources for Help During the Pandemic
- United Way COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund: Call 2-1-1 or 888-369-7688. The local number to the Collier County office location is 239-261-7112. The email address is uw211help@gmail.com.
- Collier County Catholic Charities: 844-385-2404 and website: www.catholiccharitiesdov.org/locations/naples/
- Harry Chapin Food Bank: https://harrychapinfoodbank.org/
Please reach out to Dr. Dianne Fabii, School Counselor, for assistance anytime.
Countdown to Graduation 2020!
Every day leading up to Graduation day (May 21) we will be acknowledging each 8th grade student on our Facebook page. Please take a moment to congratulate our amazing 8th graders…we are proud of you!
Night in Havana Gala Auction News!
We are happy to announce Night in Havana Gala Auction has been rescheduled to Saturday, Sept. 26, 2020 at the Vineyards Country Club! We will look forward to celebrating this fabulous event with our school community and friends at that time.
Please contact our Gala chair, Dr. Dianne Fabii, at fabii@seseton.org with any questions.
Prayer to Mary
Livestreamed Masses
St. Elizabeth Seton Church has livestreamed masses which can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQF5_1OovmijLWXsFzoIqeg. Please check your individual parish websites and Facebook pages as well as the dioceseofvenice.org website for information on other parish mass viewing.