Happening This Week: Week of January 27, 2020
Virtue of the Month: Prudence
Scholastic Book Fair coming to Seton!
- Tuesday, 1/28 through Friday, 1/31
- Family Shopping Event – Thursday, 1/30 – 3:00-5:30 p.m.
- Online Shopping Available: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/stelizabethsetonschool/
- Volunteers Needed – (must be fingerprinted and completed Safe Environment training)
- Sign-Up Genius Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F4EA9A82FA3FC1-seswinter/. We look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair!
Catholic Schools Week – “Living in Harmony with God’s Creation”
We will be joining Catholic Schools across the nation in celebrating Catholic Schools Week with many community events, as well as fun and enriching activities for the students.
CSW Service Project
We will be assisting Catholic Charities with their Weekend Power Pack Program. See items needed each day below. As always, thank you for your generosity in helping others!
Monday, Jan. 27 Theme: Living in Harmony with God
Collecting cereal and granola bars
Gr. PK3 – 2 Dress is Class colors; Gr. 3-5 is Seton Pride; Gr. 6-8, Mass uniform; 10am Bishop Mass at SJN for middle school students followed by lunch/activities at Neumann
Tuesday, Jan. 28 Theme: Living in Harmony with Neighbors
Collecting Chili and Crackers
No Chorus
Gr. PK3 – 2 Dress is Seton Pride; Gr. 3-5 Class Colors; Gr. 6-8 Normal uniform.
Student (only) Picnic Lunch and Panther Pals Lunch;
Career Day 12:30-2:45pm – Students will learn about various careers from leaders in our community.
STREAM CLUB- Session #3
Book Fair
Due to activities during CSW, Session #3 of STREAM Club scheduled to begin 1/28 will begin Tuesday, February 4th at 3pm in the cafeteria.
Wed, Jan. 29 Theme: Living in Harmony in our Catholic Schools
Collecting Mac ‘n Cheese
Dress is favorite sportswear/jersey
Chorus 7:30-8:00am; NO school mass
Book Fair
Thurs, Jan. 30 Theme: Living in Harmony with the Earth
Collecting Fruit cups
No Ukulele Club
Dress in Pajama Day for PK3-2, Silly socks & slippers 3-8
Book Fair Family Shopping Event – 3:00-5:30 p.m.
A Night in Italy Dinner & Show!
5:00pm Dinner in Cafeteria
6:30pm Paul Todd Concert in Gym
Friday, Jan. 31 Theme: Living in Harmony with all Generations
Collecting Ravioli
Dress is Mass uniform.
Grandparents and Special Friends Day – Mass at 9am followed by classroom visits and refreshments, special craft with grandparents/friends, pictures, and more!
Book Fair
Noon Dismissal
Mon, Feb. 3
Tues., Feb. 4
Make-up dress down day for Grades 6-8
STREAM Club Session#3 begins 3pm
Celebrate Catholic Schools Week with us!
Jan. 30 – Dinner & A Show – A Night in Italy
Make plans to join us for an Italian Dinner hosted by HASA, followed by a concert featuring Paul Todd and Paul Todd, Jr. Tickets will be sold together for dinner & show, and separately for just dinner or show. Please contact Mrs. Eastman (eastman@seseton.org) with any questions. Thank you for your support!
DOWNLOAD THE FLYER & FORM HERERe-enrollment for 2020-2021 School Year
Re-enrollment information for our current families for the 2020-2021 school year was sent home this week. Please be sure to turn your registration materials in on time to take advantage of the early bird discount. We appreciate all our Seton families!
New Information for families currently enrolled in the Florida Empowerment Scholarship: The school will re-enroll students automatically for 2020-2021 AFTER receiving the 2020-2021 registration form and fee. Please notify Ms. Pearce, school accountant, if you are not planning to continue using the FES. If a family has a current student on the FES and would like to add a sibling who would qualify, they should not complete a SUFS online application, instead a form will be emailed to eligible families by SUFS the first week of February.
Step Up for Students Scholarship
Applications for renewal families are open. SUFS Renewal families have priority processing until February 29, 2020. Families interested in applying for SUFS for the first time are encouraged to sign up for the interest list on the Step Up website. https://www.stepupforstudents.org/for-parents/parent-login/
Spanish Club News from Sra. Fabiola Cole, M.Ed.
Due to all the events taking place this week, the Spanish Club is cancelled and will be rescheduled to a later day in March. Please see the new updated Spanish Club Calendar.
- February 27
- March 12
- March 27 (Spanish Club Bake Sale)
- April 23 (Restaurant Visit)
- May 15 (Latin Fiesta)
Mark Your Calendar for an informative Parent Education Presentation
On Wednesday, February 12th at 6 p.m. in the Cafeteria representatives from the Prevention Team at the David Lawrence Center will address parents about the dangers of vaping and challenges of social media. Please join this important discussion and learn ways to protect your child from these powerful negative influences that pervade today’s culture. Statistics show that vaping among tweens and early teens has increased exponentially, and more children than ever also are at risk of dangerous online behavior. Presenters will cover vaping products, physical effects on the body and risks of addiction. They also will discuss consequences of excessive screen time, online bullying and numerous popular apps that can disguise inappropriate communication.
This session is open to parents of children of all ages, but especially important for middle school parents. Please plan to come and learn about these serious issues that can affect physical, mental and spiritual health. Call 239-455-2262 for further information.
Athletic News
Volunteer Coach needed for boys soccer. Please contact Coach Tenbarge if you wish to volunteer – tenbarge@seseton.org.
Game Days
All athletes should report to their games 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Prior to 30 minutes before the scheduled start time, athletes should go to Aftercare if not supervised by their parent, guardian, or volunteer coach. Students attending aftercare must be registered and fees apply. On early release Wednesdays, there is no charge for aftercare until 3:15pm. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe.
SES Gala Auction – Havana Nights at The Vineyards Country Club Naples
We Need Your Help!
We’re in full swing now preparing for our annual gala auction on March 28th. The following items are needed to help make the event a success:
- Wine and spirits for our wine pull – Any variety of wine, tequila, rum, gin, vodka and whiskey – $15 or more in value
- Gift Cards – Restaurants, sports, retail stores, services – $10 or more in value
You will earn Volunteer Hours for Donations and for helping with the Gala! Please join us to help make our gala a super success!
If you have not already heard from room parents regarding class baskets, you soon will be getting information. Each class contributes a basket for the silent auction, and these are always very popular items.
Many thanks to the following organizations who already have committed sponsorship:
- St. Agnes Church
- Zynda Custom Homes
- Juliana Kierstein, P.A.
- DiJulio’s Restaurant
- The Richard J. Lacks Foundation
Do you know any businesses or organizations who would be willing to sponsor our event or provide a donation? Please contact Dr. Fabii with the information! All donations must be received by February 28th. Thank you for your help. We can’t do this without your participation and support!
Blue Zones Article
We are working together to keep our school community healthy. Please see the following Blue Zones article: https://www.bluezones.com/2020/01/the-neat-way-to-exercise-for-a-longer-healthier-life/