Happenings this Week
Monday- April 1:
April Fools’ Day
Tuesday- April 2:
Religion Bee Dress Out Day for Team 7 winners only
5th and 8th grade ACRE test administration
Wednesday- April 3:
5th and 8th grade ACRE test administration
9AM School Mass- Virtue of Month pledge: Self-Control
Thursday- April 4:
NJHS Leadership Field Trip
Saturday- April 6:
Seton Celebrates “A Night in Napa” 5:30pm -10:30pm Vineyards Country Club
Dear Seton Families,
Sincere thanks to all families who attended our recent SWOT meetings. We very much appreciate your time and input in these important sessions. Our gala auction is next Saturday, April 6th! Our heartfelt thanks to all of our sponsors, donors and volunteers who make this wonderful night possible. We can’t wait to celebrate Seton with you at our very special Night in Napa!
Panther Priorities
Open House
We are hosting an open house for prospective students and families on Monday, April 15th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please share this information with friends who may be interested in learning more about our school. RSVP to the school office: 239-455-2262.
Outstanding Fees
Please check your FACTS Prepay accounts for aftercare and athletic fees. Many students currently have outstanding fees.
Re-Registration Information/ Step Up for Students
Please continue to send in re-registrations so that your child is assured a place for the 2019-2020 school year. Many thanks to those who have already sent them for the next school year. Also, please make sure you visit the Step Up for Students website to renew income-based scholarship applications for the 2019-2020 school year.
Used Uniform Closet
Open every Thursday from 2:50-3:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Celebrating Students
Students of the Week. Congratulations to our students of the week! Keep up your great work!
- PreK-3: Jayden Vargas
- PreK-4: Abigail Grossklas
- KG: Bastien Gonzalez
- 1st: Aiden Meinert
- 2nd: Makayla Vixama
Many thanks to all of our sponsors, donors and volunteers who have worked very hard to make this special evening possible. We look forward to celebrating with you to honor and support our school.
GALA GUESTS: PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE AT: www.qtego.net/qlink/celebrateseton
This will expedite your registration when you arrive at The Vineyards. ONLINE BIDDING BEGINS ON APRIL 1st!
Thank you to our sponsors!
St. Agnes Catholic Church
St. William Catholic Church
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Leo the Great Catholic Church
Florida Community Bank/Synovus
Richard J. Lacks, Jr. Charitable Foundation
Oakes Farm, Inc.
San Marco Parish
Anonymous Donor
J.C. Drainfield, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Calderin
St. Peter the Apostle Parish
St. John Neumann High School
Charming Smiles
DeVoe Buick
Mr. & Mrs. George Gulley
Mr. & Mrs. Monte Hilmoe
Ideal Image
Juliana M. Kierstein, P.A.
Rev. Dr. John & Arlene Lindell
St. Finbarr Parish
ValPak of Southwest Florida
Lenten Rice Bowls ~ Message from Mr. Ganse: Our Rice Bowl campaign will end on Friday, April 12. Please count all the money that your family has collected and write one check out to St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School. The school will count all the check amounts and then write one check to Catholic Relief Services on behalf of our whole school community. Thank you in advance for your generosity and participation in the Spirit of the Lord!
Coin Wars: Grade level battle of the coins will begin on MAY 6th after the Rice Bowl Lenten collection.
Amazon Smile: Place your Amazon orders through https://Smile.Amazon.com, and help our school raise funds! Be sure to designate our school as beneficiary. Here is the direct link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/59-2112451. Our school recently received a check of nearly $200 from proceeds of Amazon Smile! Please continue to add SES as beneficiary of your purchases.
Upcoming Events. Save the Date!
COLD STONE CREAMERY NIGHT: Thursday, April 11th. More information coming soon.
HASA MEETING WITH GUEST SPEAKER: Tuesday, April 16th. Please join us for our final HASA meeting of the year at 6 p.m. At 6:30, guest speaker Patrick Logue of Prudential Financial Planning will join us to discuss college planning, including saving for college, saving on the cost of college, and strategic planning.
MOTHER/SON FUN NIGHT: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th More information coming soon.
SETON MOVIE NIGHT – FRIDAY, MAY 3rd 7:00- 9:00 p.m.
Seton Movie Night Sign Up Genius
Please join our Knights on Fridays during Lent for a delicious fish fry dinner. These will be from 5 to 7 p.m. and continue through April 12th in the PARISH CENTER.
8th GRADE GRADUATION – FRIDAY, MAY 24th 6:00 p.m.
Spring Concerts. Mark Your Calendars!
Friday, May 3 at 2:00 ~ 2nd and 3rd grade concert, The Day the Crayons Quit
Tuesday, May 7 at 2:00 ~ 1st grade concert, Pete the Cat Rockin’ in My School Shoes
(note change of date)
Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m. ~ Ensemble Concert with 4th, 5th, Middle School Band, Drama, Chorus
Thursday, May 30 at TBD ~ Kindergarten celebration, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
SES Vacation Bible School
SES Vacation Bible School will be from June 24th through June 28th. Students in grades 7 and 8 are welcome to volunteer at this wonderful event. Organizing and decorating will take place on June 21st and 22nd. This year’s theme is “ROAR!” ~ Life is Wild, God is Good! See https://youtu.be/_A0VITTzHh4 for a description. Contact Hector Salazar, Director of Faith Formation: 239-455-3900, Ext. 302.
Spring Break Art Camp
Need something to do during spring break? Check out this camp to learn about art and more!
Something so Yummy
April lunch menu is posted. Please note Pizza Day has been moved to Monday! Last Chance to save $10 on ALL cooking camps, including Spring Break Camp (April 22-25 from noon to 3 p.m.). Enrollment now open for Summer Cooking Camps ~ includes 4 days of cooking fun and all supplies. Cost: $150. Weekly themes include the following:
- June 3-6: Apps, Snacks & Treats
- June 10-13: A Tour of France
- June 17-20: Family Dinner
- June 24-27: Let’s Make It Healthy
- July 29-Aug 1: Baking & Decorating
- Aug 5-8: All About Pasta
See somethingsoyummy.com for additional information.
Blue Zone
Sit down and eat a meal with family and friends. Take your time, relax, savor the food and enjoy the company!