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Events & ProgramsFundraisingHASAThe Panther Prowl

The Panther Prowl | Jan 12th, 2019

By January 12, 2019No Comments

Dear Seton Families,

We’ve had a wonderful start to the second half of the school year! We are happy to see that the students are fresh faced and ready to learn each day! Going home today is registration information for the 2019-2020 school year. Sealed addressed envelopes are being sent home with each youngest/only child per family. We look forward to you re-registering your children for the upcoming school year. Have a wonderful weekend!


Step Up for Students
Step Up for Students Scholarship Renewal families must apply BEFORE January 31, 2019, for priority processing. Families applying for the first time for the income-based scholarship for 2019-2020 may go to the Step Up for Students website and sign up on the “interest list” to receive notification when the application becomes available.

Re-Registration Information
Be sure to attend to the re-registration information that has been sent home today. Return your registrations for the 2019-2020 school year by February 1st.

Home and School Association (H.A.S.A.) Meeting
Tuesday, January 15th at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. Special Guest: Fr. Casey! Please come to learn about many exciting things planned for the second half of the year! Child care will be available from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Important Dates for Next Week:

Tuesday, January 15th: Report cards distributed.
Wednesday, January 16th: Christian Character Awards for the month of December will be presented after the 9:00 school mass. The second quarter Honors Assembly will be in the gym at 2:10 p.m.
Friday, January 18th: Parent-Teacher Conferences begin at 12:30.

Used Uniform Closet
Open every Thursday from 2:50-3:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.


Students are focusing on the virtue of PATIENCE this month. Questions for home discussion:
How can I demonstrate patience with myself, my family and my friends? What are some Bible stories that emphasize patience? How is God patient with me?


Gala Auction: HELP NEEDED!
1) Do you know some area businesses that would be willing to donate items for the auction? Forms are available in the Advancement Office.
2) We are accepting gift cards (any amount) for goods and services, as well as bottles of wine ($10 value and above) for our auction. Please consider donating!

Please contact Dr. Fabii ( if you can help.

Please see our save the date card! Tickets $75 – includes buffet dinner, wine bar, dancing, entertainment, live and silent auctions. Cash bar also available.

Amazon Smile: Place your Amazon orders through, and help our school raise funds! Be sure to designate our school as beneficiary. Here is the direct link:

Mystic Monk Coffee Winter Fundraiser
See message from Mr. Ganse

Dear Parents,
We are continuing our coffee fundraising efforts for the middle school N.E.T. Retreat which will be taking place in March. Our catalog is updated with the flavor of the month: French Vanilla. Checks should be made payable to St. Elizabeth Seton School for all orders. Our sale deadline is Wednesday, January 16th. Our middle school students thank you in advance. Not only do you support us with your purchase but you also help the Carmelite monks who roast and brew the coffee. Supporting two in one shot…blessings from heaven!
Peace in Christ, Mr. Ganse

Download the Catalog here, and the order form here.

Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to our various fund-raising efforts from August through December. To date we have raised over $7800 to help our school. Nearly $2000 was sent to St. John the Evangelist School in Panama City to assist them after hurricane Michael. We look forward to a successful second term, with many more things planned, especially our gala auction. Please come to the H.A.S.A. meeting and learn how you can become involved!


CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK ~ January 27th – February 2nd

SES OPEN HOUSE ~ Sunday, January 27th 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

GRANDPARENTS & SPECIAL FRIENDS DAY ~ Wednesday, January 30th 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. Grandparents and/or special adult friends of students are cordially invited to participate in this event!

JASON’S DELI RESTAURANT NIGHT ~ Tuesday, January 29th 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.

MOTHER/SON FUN NIGHT ~ Friday, February 8th – Time TBA

FATHER/DAUGHTER DANCE ~ Friday, February 15th – Time TBA


Please see the attached announcements regarding the SJN Celtic Ball on February 1st, and a fabulous Tuition Raffle.


In this new year, make it a priority to set aside special family time every week to connect, communicate and share. Building strong bonds improves relationships and adds years to your life.