Reagan Family Mass Update
The family of Mr. Paul Reagan is having a mass in his memory on Friday, May 11, 2018 at 10AM at the church. Parents are welcome to attend with their child and are asked to come to the office to sign out their child. Please continue to keep the Reagan family in your prayers.
We love Mrs. Amanda Banning!
Yesterday, I happily announced some changes for next but failed to mention our wonderful 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Banning. For the 2018-2019 school year, Mrs. Banning will be teaching PK4! Several years ago Mrs. Banning did an internship in PreK and loved it. We offered her the opportunity for next year and she happily agreed. As you know, Mrs. Martin has done a fabulous job taking over in November for our PK’ers, but she’s looking forward to returning to her retirement and becoming a substitute once again.