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Dear Parent Volunteers,

On Wednesday, 4/18 we celebrated our volunteers. It is because of your dedication to our school that we can provide a variety of programs and activities for our children. Thank you parents for choosing St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School. Your partnership allows us to remain #SetonStrong.

With Blessings,
Maria Niebuhr | Principal

All families must make sure they have a FACTS account. Schools throughout the Diocese of Venice are required to have families make payments through FACTS, our tuition management company. To set up for the next school year, simply login into your existing account and check that your information is correct. If you wish to change your payment plan, please contact Elaine Pearce, our school accountant or Jonathan Harhen the Director of Finance. New families can create a FACTS account through this link:https://online.factsmgt/com/signin/3GN19. Additionally, if you’d like to be considered for tuition assistance from your parish or other scholarship opportunities please complete in full the Grant and Aid portion of FACTS.

Test results have arrived and are being distributed to the teachers for review. Parent reports will be going home by Friday, April 27th. As previously noted these assessments are used for our school to better understand and help our students achieve.

Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you to all the families who have fulfilled the 20-volunteer hour obligation for the 2017-2018 school year. If you have remaining hours to complete, please read the list below. Seton is still in need of donations to make upcoming events possible:

AR Fair: soda cans (no diet), tortilla chips (large bags), store bought cotton candy, water bottles, & individual chip bags. You may start bringing these items to the front office between now and Friday, May 4th. These items will be consumed on Friday, May 11th please make sure these treats are within expiration date guidelines).

Mother & Son Bowling: store bought chips, cookies, and cupcakes may be dropped off at the front office on Thursday, April 26th & Friday, April 27th. These items will be consumed on Sunday, April 27th (please make sure these treats are within expiration date guidelines).

Father & Daughter Dance: soda cans, water bottles, store bought food items (chips, cookies, candy, & desserts). Donated store-bought desserts and other items can be dropped off on Thursday, May 3rd & Friday, May 4th. These items will be consumed on Friday, May 4th (please make sure these treats are within expiration date guidelines).

**Please drop off your donations to the front office and labeled so your family receives volunteer hour(s) credit.

HASA News!
Thank you to all the families who have donated their time, talent, and treasure for HASA events and meetings. There are three HASA events left on the calendar: Mother & Son Bowling, Father & Daughter Dance, and Teacher Appreciation Week.

Mother & Son Bowling: Head Pinz (Radio Road) Sunday, April 29th 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Father & Daughter Dance: Seton Parish Center (Seton) Friday, May 4th 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Teacher Appreciation Week: Monday, May 7th – Friday, May 11th

5/11/18 – Annual AR Fair
The Annual AR Fair will be taking place on Friday, May 11th in the Seton Gym. Diocese approved volunteers are needed for set up on Thursday, May 10th (3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) and assisting with the activities on Friday, May 11th (9:00 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.). A Sign-Up Genius was sent to all families. Please email any questions to Mrs. Tenbarge ( if you have any questions.
You may sign up here to volunteer on Friday, May 11th:

Panther Spotlight – Student of the Week

  • PK 3 – Anastasia Sizemore
  • Kindergarten – Jenna Budinger
  • 1st – Delaney Long
  • 2nd – Teresa Scuderi